Is Living “The Norm” Leaving You Broke?
It shocked me that the majority of Americans look at debt as "just a part of life." Not so long ago, being in debt was a shameful thing! Men would do whatever it took to stay out of debt.
A few weeks back, on our daily show, I talked to a man named Mario Johns about how he turned his life around in the past few months. “I was drowning in debt and just felt like I was just existing… NOT living.” Do you ever feel like this?
It shocked me that the majority of Americans look at debt as “just a part of life.” Not so long ago, being in debt was a shameful thing! Men would do whatever it took to stay out of debt.
Debt should not be the norm! Are you guilty of this in your own finances? Just open another line of credit to cover past debt? Defer your payments as long as possible while allowing the interest to pile up higher and higher?
It’s time to put a stop to your financial hemorrhaging. This isn’t something that happens overnight, but you can choose to stop accepting your debt as a way of life. Debt only brings you stress. It is the reason you probably work more than you should, all while still struggling to make ends meet.
You don’t have to take it. Imagine for a second you don’t owe anybody, anything. Every paycheck you make would be money that is 100% yours. You could travel with it, save it, invest it, whatever you want!
If you can’t imagine it, here is proof that freedom is real and starting to happen all over our country. Mario was a drug addict, with horrible relationships, who decided to stop living in debt. “I was hopeless, suicidal, addicted to drugs, I hated myself, I despised other people, I had toxic relationships and felt like a slave to debt. Now, I have been drug free for 15 1/2 months and paid off over $13,000 worth of debt in a little over 13 months.”
Make no mistake, if you believe debt is “just a part of life,” you believe the lie. If you believe you have to increase your current income or win the lottery to get out of debt, that is also a lie.
It really isn’t about how much money you are bringing in; it’s about how you SPEND your money. The choice is yours: living in the slavery of debt or choosing freedom from that bondage. Don’t use everybody else, the norm, your income, the “American Dream” or the government as an excuse for your financial decisions.
Are you tired of living “the norm”? Let me know below and be sure to Like and Share today’s tip. If you’re looking for more financial wisdom, tips and strategies join us today for The Dani Johnson Show, where you can gain more inspiration to improve your life. You can find the show on your TV and radio and please remember you can always stream today’s show right here on our website.
In great faith,
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