Are You “Busy” – Or Do You Actually Get Stuff DONE?!
You see people running like crazy – running for appointments, dry cleaning, shopping, kids, emails, calls,’s EASY to be busy, but "busy" doesn't always yield results & you get paid to produce RESULTS!
Today I want to tell you about the number one factor needed to make more money. It doesn’t matter what you do, whether you work at a fast food restaurant, a multi-million-dollar corporation or in business for yourself… this one single thing – more than anything else – determines how much money you make. It’s so simple and today, you will see how it applies to every area of your life.
Have you noticed we live in a world filled with nonsense? It’s TRUE! Everywhere you look, you see people running around like crazy, going from one appointment to the next. They pick up their dry cleaning, go to the grocery store, drop one kid off at soccer and pick up another from piano lessons. They sit at a stoplight answering a work email, while on the phone with a client. At work, they IM a coworker, file papers, check email… all the while, attempting to knock-out their task list.
Does this sound like your life sometimes? We’ve all have days when it seems like we’re busy from the time our alarm goes off in the morning until we finally go to bed at night.
However, to succeed you must slow down and take a good look at your task list each day. It’s easy to be busy. ANYBODY can be busy! (And most people are…) But being “busy” doesn’t necessarily produce results.
Think of it this way: If you’re a business owner, you do not get paid for making elaborate business plans or reorganizing your contact list or working 12 hours a day. You get paid to produce RESULTS for your clients.
When you produce results, you create higher value for yourself, which – HELLO! – means higher pay!
When I started in business, I asked myself one question every day: Who can I help to succeed, today? I focused on creating results for my clients. I made sure they were happy with my level of service, as well as the product. It was never about the number of hours I worked or how many great spreadsheets or planning tools I had. It was always about the results I produced!
In fact, as proof you do not get paid for the hours you work, you have to hear this story. At one time in my career I worked 100 hours a week and made decent money, but my life was a train wreck! I was on the verge of my second divorce and paying someone else to raise my kids. Oh, did I mention I’d just had a nervous breakdown and heart attack?! I just wanted to quit on life. But you’ll never guess what happened next…
I realized the money was just not worth it. I would rather be broke and happy, than have money and be in terrible relationships and just miserable. So, I decided to hire a coach to teach me how to better manage my time. I implemented some very simple strategies and was able to cut my work hours from 100 to 20 per week.
When most people hear that, they assume my income dropped significantly, as well. In fact, when I cut my hours by 80 per week, I tripled my income… revealing I actually wasted 80 hours every single week. And I’m sorry to tell you, but most people waste hours each and every week, as well.
See, you do not get paid for the hours you put in, but for the results you produce. I was able to get MORE done – in less time – and TRIPLED my income. How? When I showed up at my office, the key activities – that showed the best results – got 100% of my focus.
When you develop your skills – in your business or career and managing your time – it takes LESS time to produce MORE results. And remember, the more results you produce, the higher your paycheck!
So, take some time to evaluate yourself today : What are the “nonsense” items on your list? Where do you spend time that doesn’t produce results? Identify and eliminate those things! Let me know what those things are, in the comments below! And from here on, it’s time to focus more on the things that bring results, and less on those that don’t.
You will be amazed by how much more you can get done, if you apply these principles. You’ll be less stressed, make more money, and have more time to spend with your family and friends, doing the truly important things.
Do you know someone who needs to experience these things? We’ve already established, most people in the world today “run around like chickens with their heads cut off,” staying “busy”… but not accomplishing much. Won’t you take just a couple of minutes today to share this message with your family, friends, coworkers and clients? This could literally save a marriage – or even a life – today. (It saved mine many years ago!)
And don’t forget to join us today for The Dani Johnson Show, to gain more insights for your everyday life. You can find the show on your TV and radio or your TV and radio or stream today’s show, right here on our website.
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In great faith
In great faith,
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