Become a Highly Paid, Extremely Effective Recruiter...In 4 Weeks
Registration Closes
12pm-2pm Central Time
Classes Start!
In a world of overnight-masters and self-acclaimed gurus, Dani’s 25-year record of success stands apart like a beacon in the darkness. Fundamentally different in her approach, Dani only trains from her personal experience which is marked by record-shattering industry sales and chart busting recruiting numbers.
Dani Johnson has weathered this changing industry by raising up more millionaires and 6-figure income earners than anyone else over the last two plus decades. Her reputation is exceptional, as is her commitment to helping others succeed. Now, she has offered to help you develop the TWO most important skills that drive your business, Prospecting and Closing.
What You’ll Learn…
> The attitude, mindset and posture to attract higher quality prospects.
> How to turn the most common objections into sales
> How NOT to provoke objections from your pospects
> Quickly determine the quality of your prospect
> Easily invite your warm market prospects to a presentation
> Control a cold market conversation with poise and confidence
> Close a group presentation with a few simple questions
And much, much more
Why it works…
In a word: accountability. Yes, Dani’s training is amazing, Yes, live role play is powerful. Yes, the community is extremely encouraging…
But, it is the accountability that puts you into activity mode. It’s the accountablity that pushes you farther than you thought possible. The accountablity is the secret sauce.
Here’s how it works…
Each Tuesday and Thursday evening you will join us for a two hour training session focused on Prospecting (Tuesdays) or Closing (Thursdays). You will get to hear interactive role play and critique of students who were chosen, (based on their effort, not their success) to particiapte on the live calls.
During the week, you will test out your new skills in your sales recruiting and closing activities. Each Sunday evening you will be required to report your results, and you will have a chance to ask questions to help direct the following weeks classes.
In addition, you will have exclusive access to a private Facebook group of just your class mates. Encourage each other with your success stories and hear how others are applying what they learned.
Accountability + encouragement + community = your success!
It depends… If you are a sales professional looking to get an edge in an increasingly crowded marketplace…then yes.
If you are a seasoned entrepreneur looking to get up-to-speed on the newest trends in the field…then yes.
If you are a startup business builder looking for strategies to acquire customers and business partners without blowing out your friends and family…then yes.
If you love your business model and want to master the skills that fuel your growth…then yes.
If you are a student of our industry and ready to apply the knowlege and experience of a legend…then yes. (We’ll give you the skills you need to not only increase your show up rate, but to radically improve your closing rate.)
If you are a crazy-busy business owner who barely has time to breathe and you’d rather “work with your team” than build a true residual income…then NO! (But you should have someone on your team go through it, because you, more than anyone else, needs this information…)
April 10
Live and interactive with Dani Johnson! A powerful Prospecting training segment followed by live role play.
April 12
Live and interactive with Dani Johnson! A powerful Closing training segment followed by live role play.
April 15
Each Sunday evening you will report your results and review your progress
All Week
You will have exclusive access to our private Facebook group designed to enourage and empower you
April 17
Live and interactive with Dani Johnson! A powerful Prospecting training segment followed by live role play.
April 26
Live and interactive with Dani Johnson! A powerful Closing training segment followed by live role play.
April 29
Each Sunday evening you will report your results and review your progress
All Week
You will have exclusive access to our private Facebook group designed to enourage and empower you
May 1
Live and interactive with Dani Johnson! A powerful Prospecting training segment followed by live role play.
May 3
Live and interactive with Dani Johnson! A powerful Closing training segment followed by live role play.
May 6
Each Sunday evening you will report your results and review your progress
All Week
You will have exclusive access to our private Facebook group designed to enourage and empower you
May 8
Live and interactive with Dani Johnson! A powerful Prospecting training segment followed by live role play.
May 10
Live and interactive with Dani Johnson! A powerful training segment followed by live role play.
May 13
Each Sunday evening you will report your results and review your progress
All Week
You will have exclusive access to our private Facebook group designed to enourage and empower you
Dani Johnson grew up on welfare in a violently abusive and drug-infested home. She was pregnant at 17 and homeless at 21. Instead of accepting what life had so far scripted for her, Dani rewrote her own playbook, chapter by chapter — and by 23 she was a millionaire. Dani only trains from her personal experience which is marked by record-shattering industry sales and developing richly successful teams of top producers.