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Episode 1: Live Your Life By Design, Not By Default

[powerpress] Join Dani as she unlocks the secrets to time management, and breaks down exactly how to design the life you want to live. She’s sharing the priorities SHE set […]


Join Dani as she unlocks the secrets to time management, and breaks down exactly how to design the life you want to live. She’s sharing the priorities SHE set for her own life, how to identify and cut out distractors, and tips and tricks to make time work for you, rather than letting it control you.

Instead of watching weeks, months and years slip away without accomplishing ANY of the dreams you have for your life, you are going to take control of your time, enjoy better relationships with your loved ones, take better care of yourself health-wise, pay off debt and start creating wealth, and live life according to your unique definition of success.

In This Episode You Will Learn:

  • How to focus your time and get the most out of the hours you invest at work and at home.
  • How to identify distractors that are stealing your time and distorting the vision you have for your life.
  • How to get more done in less time by establishing correct priorities, setting boundaries and putting purpose to your money.
  • The tips and tricks Dani learned along the way that allow her to run multiple businesses grossing millions of dollars working only 20 hours a week, serve as the chef, gardener, laundress and full-time wife, mother and grandmother in the home, and spend hours in the morning with God. (All with ample free-time and plenty of vacation!)

Links & Resources From This Episode:

Time Secrets-  Map out your future, organize your priorities and take charge of your time and your life, so that you are the one designing your life, and living up to the design that you make.

The Dani Johnson Show- Hundreds of hours of free training to help you improve all areas of your life. 

First Steps To Wealth- Dani’s free E-book that breaks down exactly how how she overcame her horrific obstacles and applied a few surprising techniques that took her from broke, homeless cocktail waitress to multi-millionaire entrepreneur, best-selling author, radio host and family woman. A non-profit, public charity dedicated to serving the extreme poor, widows and orphans.

Job Domination- Dani reveals everything you need to know to get inside your boss’s head, deliver exactly what he or she wants and excel and advance in your career.

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