Make It A Goal To Have More Out Of Life
Have you ever found yourself saying, “There has to be more to life than this?” Friend, you are not alone. And 2018 is YOUR year to design your life and define […]

Have you ever found yourself saying, “There has to be more to life than this?” Friend, you are not alone. And 2018 is YOUR year to design your life and define success for you. Check out these amazing stories from people who found themselves in that place of desperately wanting more out of life.
Make It A Goal To Live A Life You’re Proud Of

Jenn Kimura felt desperate, hollow and hopeless until she had a pivotal experience.
“I realized I can’t live like this anymore. I was exhausted. I had nothing left to give. I was totally stripped of my dignity. I felt like I was totally stripped of everything good about me. I couldn’t breathe. I just needed it to be over.”
After a near-fatal drug overdose, Jenn called a trusted friend who went on to pay her way to First Steps To Success.
“That weekend changed my life. It was the first time I had dreamt since I was a little kid. The event made me see that the person I had been, is not who I was born to be.”
Today, Jenn is drug and alcohol-free. She has completely restored the relationships with her family. For the first time ever, she has consistently held a job for over a year. And, she was recently invited to share her story with a youth group.
Is there something in your life that’s trapped you into feeling worthless? Maybe this thing that has a hold of you has lied to you, frustrated you, and crippled you with self-doubt.
Jenn found hope, and you can, too! Jenn is living a life she’s proud of, and Dani and our team couldn’t be more proud of her! In fact, she was recently a guest on The Dani Johnson Show. Watch it below!
Make It A Goal To Live A More Balanced Life

Every day she lived with guilt. Guilt as a wife. Guilt as a mom. Guilt as a businesswoman. She was spinning plates, striving to balance all her roles as a 21st Century woman. But she felt like she never measured up.
“We came to First Steps To Success in January, and there I saw people who had what I wanted. They were successful in business and in the home. No one else had told me we could do that.”
Where before Trina’s marriage was losing that passionate connection, now it’s hotter than their honeymoon. She gets to treasure more moments with her 5 kids. Their family has been unshackled from over $28,000 of debt. Her part-time business income has tripled. She lives her days with passion and vision for her future.
Everyday Trina is living a more balanced life. Free to be a fully present wife, mom and businesswoman. Forever on the journey of having more out of life!
Make It A Goal To Pocket More Cash- Without Sacrificing Everything Else

Until he came to First Steps To Success. After the event, Graham’s life did a complete 180 in just thirty days.
His income doubled. But, he didn’t sacrifice his family to make that happen. In fact, his marriage has been completely restored, and he can actually be present with his family. Today, he’s creating wonderful memories with his children.
Today, he’s working on a BIG dream.
“As of next month, I will be fulfilling my dream of opening a wellness retreat center near home! All thanks to the principles Dani teaches, and the people I’ve met. Thank you, Dani Johnson, for all that you are! We are just getting started!”
Make It A Goal To Land Your Dream Job

“I thought over what I wanted for my career, how I wanted to grow and what kind of company I wanted to serve in. Something close to home, making significantly more, where I would learn from an expert. We prayed that if God’s plan was for me to move on, that He would declare it and begin moving me in that direction.”
Shortly after that realization, something happened out of the blue.
A recruiter reached out to Cameron about a career opportunity that matched what he was looking for. Immediately, he used what he learned from First Steps To Success and one of our top products, Job Domination, to nail his interview.
Cameron’s hard work paid off. Today, he has a ten-minute commute and is learning from a respected expert in his field. He grew his income to 45% more. Now, he’s that much closer to achieving his dreams.
“I went to First Steps To Success for the first time in March of this year, and it has been a whirlwind of growth for our family in relationships, career, finances, business and my Faith.”
Make It A Goal To Springboard Your Kids’ Success

10… 11… 12… you call out the age, and we can tell you how a child that age has used the skills they learned at First Steps To Success to get results that rival adult-sized success.
10-year-old Callie Zuschnitt can clearly communicate with people inside and outside her home.
Her relationship with her sister has improved because she understands her sister’s personality. Not only that, but she occasionally tags along with her dad learning the family business. She sparks conversation and builds relationships with ADULT STRANGERS on a routine basis.
11-year-old Jesse Holden started a business making leather bracelets.
So far he’s paid his way to both of our live events, First Steps To Success and our advanced training seminar, Creating A Dynasty. He actually negotiated with his parents that if he made enough to pay for his registration to the event, they’d pay for his plane ticket to get there. Yes, an 11-year-old. I’m sure you can imagine what mom and dad said.
In fact, Jesse’s leather cuffs caught Dani’s attention at First Steps To Success in Atlanta earlier this year.
Charlee told us, “The business is going really well. Our sales have gone up. This is our big season. We’ve had repeat customers every year for the past two years.” She’s also part of the family business and goes on sales calls with her dad, helping bring in more business and build relationships with their clients.
Maybe your parents did their very best, but you must have more for your kids. You want to springboard your kids’ success and give them the best opportunities to succeed.
Wherever you find yourself, we are here to equip you with the tools and training to transform EVERY area of your life. We want to unlock the potential deep down inside of you and help you have more out of life. What are YOUR goals for 2018? If you MUST have more out of life, make it a goal to get to the very next First Steps To Success. Results will follow.