Make your next step a big one with two of Dani’s most powerful trainings.
We bundled two of Dani’s most popular CD sets together to give you the MINDSET and the SKILL SET of a millionaire! Start with Conditioning for Success to gain the “Millionaire Mindset” that will change your course and fuel your success. Then, dive into Magnetic Influence to gain the very specific skills needed to influence people and uncover the secrets of creating real wealth.
Magnetic Influence +
Conditioning For Success
What our Clients are Saying…
Couldn’t Put This Down!
My biggest challenge right now is overcoming resistance in my own house! Magnetic Influence is showing me I have the tools already to change the atmosphere by actually making THE PEOPLE important, not my stuff, my agenda, MY, MY, MY… Yep, I realized I SO sound exactly what I tell my kids to stop doing… where is my smile, my eye contact, my interest in their endeavors? Thank you Dani for being the catalyst to remove the scales from my eyes. All I can say is, I just took my twelve year old to a function and a actually enjoyed talking to me the whole time in the car… usually I’m dragging monosyllables out of him while he’s trying not to be mean to me!! What a change. I still feel like I’m observing myself from another room or dimension as I realize I’m starting to return to my old habits and catch myself before I completely lose their attention. Thank God for your timely help. – Jenny from Indiana
Excellent Skills!
I bough Magnetic Influence to gain better skills at communicating with people. All I know is, since plugging in, my relationships are better, I work better with people and no excuses any longer plague my life! – Tiff from California
This is My Battery Charger!
I use Conditioning for Success every month to help condition my mind for success because the world never stops and this is my battery charger!! This audio alone healed my marriage! – Brandon from Georgia
Watch How Your Life Can Change!
I love Conditioning for Success. I purchased this product a year ago and listened religiously and my finances and communication improved. I stopped listening to it and lost $3,000 a month in income. Listen to these principles every day and watch how your life can change, never stop. So grateful to Dani for her help! – Weiwei from Vancouver