We’re giving away 100% of every purchase!
100% Today*
If you know anything about DaniJohnson.com, you know that we fight against the status quo. So we thought, what if while other businesses are raking in the dough this weekend, we give 100% of every dollar we bring in to people who actually need it?
Not 100% of the profit, 100% of the purchase price.
How many orphans could we feed?
We’re about to find out! Every purchase made Friday-Sunday will go straight to the extreme poor.
10% Every Day
We’re not a normal business.
Actually, if you listen to “business experts” we shouldn’t be in business at all. But our mission at DaniJohnson.com is changing lives, and we truly do walk by faith.
Every day, we’re fighting not only for YOU, our client…but also for the poor. We immediately take 10% off the top of every purchase and donate it to feeding orphans, no matter what. We don’t even deduct taxes first!
*Today if it’s Friday…or Saturday…or Sunday.
We’re on a mission to change lives, and that means YOUR life. Any purchase you make with us is an investment in designing the life you’ve always wanted to live. We know you crave freedom. We know you want relief from the pressure of living paycheck-to-paycheck. We know you want to feel empowered to thrive in your job or business.
We know you want more time with the people you love, and you want that time to be satisfying, fun and argument-free. We offer tools to give you exactly what you need to live the life of your dreams. So when you make a purchase this weekend, not only are you joining us on this mission of giving it all away, you’re creating a revolution inside your own life to succeed beyond anything you’ve ever imagined.
Where Does The Money Go?
Feeding 59,019+ Orphans
We support orphans locally, and around the entire world, from Africa to Israel to India to Haiti to Mexico. $7 feeds a child three meals a day for an entire month.
Rescuing 3,254+ Kids From The Sex Trade
There are over 4.5 million children, some as young as three years old, being held captive and traded as sex slaves. We are on a mission this year to rescue 1,000 kids out of the sex trade here in the U.S. and beyond.
Building 1,389 Homes
We’ve built over a thousand homes for the poorest of the poor living in trash dumps, and want to continue giving these people hope for a brighter future.

We’ve moved over 1,387 families out of their dwellings (which used to be in actual trash dumps), and into secure, safe homes with modern features like electricity, plumbing and running water. We’ve also crafted multiple sustainability projects to ensure these families can work their way out of poverty – for good.
Providing Clean Water to 1,376,200+ People

Every day, children who should be in school risk their lives to travel miles in search of water that has a high chance of being diseased. We are delivering equipment to these villages that provide the entire community with safe, clean water, restoring hope to families in despair and giving them an opportunity to grow their own crops, raising them out of poverty.