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Put Your Worry In The Rearview Mirror

When you know God is ALREADY with you, that faith frees you from pressure, stress and anxiety...KNOWING He'll be with you tonight, tomorrow, next year & every moment of your life. That's just who He is!

Today, I want to share something very simple… yet, it has changed the way I think and pray. It built my faith tremendously and helped me through some devastating times.

First, you need to understand something right off the bat: This is not your typical holiday message. But I AM going to talk about Jesus and WILL refer to the greatest book on success ever written – the Bible. Bottom line, I have my beliefs and they may not be the same as yours, but that’s okay! Just please keep an open mind, because what I’m sharing with you will help you… and not just during the “Christmas season,” but through every single day of your life.

Whether you believe Jesus was born in the fall, winter, spring or summer is your choice. Different people have different beliefs and that’s perfectly fine! The most important thing for us to understand revolves less around when He was born and more about who Jesus is, why He was born and why it matters to you today.

In the first summary of Jesus’ conception and birth, it says, “Behold, the virgin shall be with child and shall bear a son, and they shall call His name Immanuel, which translated means, ‘God with us.'”

I’m sure you’ve heard this before – probably several times. But what does that mean for you… for your job, your business, your family, your finances, your community?

It’s not just a story we read once a year on December 25th. I’m telling you, once you grasp the significance of this name, this specific character trait of God, it will change everything for you – just as it has for me.

Such a POWERFUL name! “They shall call His name Immanuel, which translated means, ‘God with us.'”

Think about it! God is with US – yes, you and me! He’s here with us, not far away – He is HERE!

When I came to fully understand the full scope of this, it changed the way I prayed. Although I’m a woman of faith, but this gave me an entirely new, higher, level of faith.

See, when you say, “God, please be with my children,” or “God, please be with me and help me in this meeting with my boss today,” it’s almost as if you wonder if He will really do it. Sometimes it sounds like we don’t have enough faith to believe he will follow-through on what we ask Him to do. But when you say, “God, THANK YOU for being with my children! THANK YOU for being beside me in my meeting today!” you acknowledge He IS already there! You acknowledge He IS Immanuel, God with us.

One example is my goal of giving away a million dollars every single month. A lot of things must happen for us to reach that goal… including having a completely solid, unified, top-notch team, with rockin’ skills. See, we’ll never be able to reach this million-dollar goal each month, if our team isn’t working at its full potential.

As I pray for our team, no longer is it: “Please, God, be with our team. Please help them to grow in their skills. Help them to stay focused and succeed.”

NOW, I to pray this way: “Thank you, God, for being with our team! You are with our current skill levels and you’re already with the new skills coming our way. Thank you for being with each and every one of them, meeting their needs. Thank you for giving them more wisdom and increasing their skill sets. Thank you for increasing their problem-solving abilities!”

I no longer beg God to be with the three children who are out on their own and the two still home with me. I thank Him for already being with them! I thanked Him for being Immanuel, God with us, God with my children, God with our team, God with our clients – God with US!

When you really know God is already with you, that faith then frees you from pressure, stress and anxiety. You don’t have to worry, because He is ALREADY with your family, your business, your job, your health and your finances. Just as He is with your future clients, relationships, staff and boss.

He already knows the answers to your questions. He is already in the midst of every problem you face right this very moment – and He stands ready to fix those problems. He has already intervened in your busy schedule. He stands beside you right now, as you deal with a secret sin. He’s right in the middle of your dreams and goals – even the ones SO big, they seem unattainable. He was with you yesterday, a week ago, 10 years ago.

And, He’ll be with you tonight, tomorrow, next year and in every moment of your life. Specifically because He is already with you, He makes a way where no way exists. That’s just who He is!

Whatever you face, right now start to thank Him for being with you! Thank Him for being with you in your trials and hard times, as well as, in your happy and successful times. Thank Him for being with your family and friends, your clients and coworkers. Whatever you and I face today – and in the coming weeks and years – He is with us. You are never alone, because He is Immanuel, God with us.

As we celebrate the joys of this season, let me encourage you to share this message with your friends, family and coworkers. Just the simple act of sharing this reminder of truth could bring comfort, joy and reassurance to someone who needs it. This could be the most important gift they receive this week, so simply share this link on Facebook or print it out and hand it to them personally. Then please share YOUR thoughts with me below!

And don’t forget to join us today for our weekly Spiritual Equipping episode of The Dani Johnson Show, to gain more insights for your everyday life. You can find the show on your TV and radio or stream today’s show, right here on our website.

Looking to connect even MORE? Then please subscribe to our YouTube channel to keep up with new messages just for you, posted daily!

In great faith,

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