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SAN ANTONIO, TX – AUGUST 19-21, 2017

First Steps to Success


First Steps to Success
+ Entrepreneur
+ Fast Track
  • 2-Day First Steps To Success Ticket (Saturday & Sunday)
First Steps to Success
+ Entrepreneur

+ Fast Track
  • 2-Day First Steps To Success Ticket (Saturday & Sunday)
  • Entrepreneur Workshop Ticket (Monday)
First Steps to Success
+ Entrepreneur
+ Fast Track
Three Day Ticket + Priority Seating
  • 2-Day First Steps To Success Ticket (Saturday & Sunday)
  • Entrepreneur Workshop Ticket (Monday)
  • Fast Track – Front Section Seating – All 3 Days

Do You Want…

  • More
  • More
  • Less
  • Better
  • Tons
    of Fun?

At First Steps To Success, you’ll be turning your “someday” hopes and dreams into a “right now, right here” reality. Best-selling author, radio/TV show host and strategic business coach Dani Johnson is able to literally transfer her success skills into you through this unique and experiential learning event.

This isn’t talk. It’s a step-by-step formula that radically transforms every area of your life.

You will leave this event experiencing real results. Many take what they’ve learned and scale their businesses, land jobs, get promotions and bonuses, improve their relationships and increase their influence from this dynamic training. Many use these new skills to overcome obstacles that have held them captive for a lifetime. No matter what you do with it, you can be sure that you’ll be equipped to succeed beyond your wildest dreams, while bringing others along with you for the journey.

Meet the broke, homeless cocktail waitress who turned millionaire in 2 short years.

Dani has been interviewed on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, Forbes, Fox & Friends, and was the season-premier star of ABC’s Secret Millionaire.

Media Apearances

Dani Johnson crawled out of extreme poverty & has equipped hundreds of thousands of people internationally expert teachings on business, money and relationships, all while adding more enjoyment and fun, so they may live the truly uncommon life.

As an entrepreneur, wife and mom, Dani has created balanced success. Dani has learned, through her experiences, how to make it through the most challenging times of life. As she continues to learn and grow, she takes you along for the journey, willing to teach you everything she has learned to have a smokin’ hot marriage with her husband, 5 of the most honorable & visionary kids, a TON of cash stored up, NO debt, workplace domination and the freedom to give away time to equip the average person to become ABOVE average and highly successful in every area of their lives and millions of dollars to sustain the poor!


1. Take Your Life To The Next Level

First Steps is designed to teach you how to bring out the most of your abilities. Almost every successful person will tell you, the secret to success isn’t some sort of “genius formula,” it’s an internal reworking of your mindset. First Steps helps you put down the right foundational roots to become successful.

Dani with awesome people

2. You’ll Learn How to Skyrocket Your Income, Increase Business or Even Start One

Are you unemployed? Have you been through several interviews with no success in landing a job? Dani Johnson’s “Core Rapport Methodology” has helped countless clients land jobs they weren’t even qualified for, close deals, increase their bottom line and more. Leave stagnating business behind. When you dive in and apply Dani’s techniques, you will see your business grow. We have seen many businesses, on the verge of closing, shatter their previous income ceiling after spending just 2 days with Dani and applying her easy strategies. These are the people who have seen businesses around them close, while they keep their doors open. Not only will Dani teach you how to grow your business, she gives you the strategies she learned to start a business from absolutely nothing. She shares ALL her secrets on how she was able to go from homeless to millionaire in only 2 short years.

3.You’ll Re-Work Your Finances

At First Steps To Success, Dani gives you step-by-step instructions on how to pay off ALL of your debt in 5 years or less (including your home mortgage)! We have seen millions of dollars in debt be annihilated, along with millions of dollars in investments, from those that join the “War On Debt” army. At our last event, we saw 117 of our “War On Debt” soldiers pay off $10.5 million in debt, put $2.6 million into savings and invest $6.1 million, all thanks to the “War On Debt” formula!

Dani is talking to a businessman

4. You’ll Strengthen Your Relationships

At First Steps To Success you’ll learn the keys to understanding other personalities, what makes them tick, how they work with other people, their primary motivations. The answers to your relationship questions will finally be revealed through Dani’s strategic system. The “GEMS®” Personality system will help you to motivate others, resolve conflicts and just make life a whole lot easier. Also, when you attend First Steps To Success, you will quickly discover yourself in a family environment. Everyone in the community stays connected through Facebook. We travel to different places together. We help each other through difficult times. We build homes for orphans all over the world. We support each other in our ventures. And that’s just a small taste of what happens when we all get together.

5. It’s A Family Affair

We have seen so many families come, heal, reconcile, and grow up in the First Steps To Success environment. Many young people have been groomed for success, starting at an early age…with some even starting their own businesses. Others invest in their first home at age 16. Others excel in their studies. You can make this a “Family Affair” by bringing your kids to the event, as well as setting them up for a lifetime of success.

Dani is talking excitedly!

6. Mix Business With Pleasure

Imagine an overflowing fountain and you trying to carry all that water with just a teaspoon…that’s what it’s like when you try to bring ALL the “make-or-break” business strategies from First Steps To Success back to your office! That’s why so many of our clients bring their ENTIRE TEAM to a LIVE event with Dani. Now, you’ve got a whole brigade carrying that “water” to where you need it – your business! PLUS, you also get the added benefits of amazing team bonding opportunities and a new environment to really explore and deepen those relationships.

7. You’ll Have A LOT Of FUN

Many First Steps To Success attendees call it the most exciting experience of their lives. Why? Maybe it’s the amazing people they meet. Maybe it’s the incredible moments of revelation on what it really takes to become a success. Maybe it’s because we create an environment where you can enjoy lots of laughs and joy throughout the weekend.

Register Now for this LIVE Event!

You will leave this 3 day jam-packed fun-filled seminar with the confidence to slay any giant, tackle any obstacle and go farther faster. You will accomplish things you didn’t know were possible. This seminar will focus directly on YOU, equipping you with the skills to hit your goals REGARDLESS of what challenges you are currently dealing with.

Others only teach information and techniques. Dani teaches you EXACTLY HOW to use that information to your advantage!

Attend Risk-Free

If for any reason you attend this event and don’t feel its worth 10x your registration fee, just let us know Sunday night and we’ll give you a 100% refund!

Create Massive Momentum For Your Business

Proven Strategies For The Entrepreneur


First Steps Day 1


First Steps Day 2


Entrepreneur Workshop

You Will Learn…

  • Sales
  • Team Building
  • Leadership
  • Successful
    Presentation Skills

The Entrepreneur Workshop is Day 3 of First Steps To Success. Though targeted specifically for the Entrepreneur, you can apply the specific techniques to any business. Dani will dive deep into specific home business skills that will give you insight you won’t find anywhere else. You will hear the exact how-to’s from somebody who has done it, experienced the same obstacles and frustrations you have experienced, and ultimately found success by developing a team of committed individuals who are building their business and achieving their personal and financial goals.

Have You Ever Just Woken Up and Thought

There Must Be More to Life than This?

At First Steps To Success you’ll not only discover those roadblocks that have caused you to feel like a failure time and time again, you’ll also learn the skills to DESTROY WHAT’S STOPPING YOU forever!

Imagine for a second what your life will look like when you have completely annihilated those irritating little snares that have been keeping you broke and discouraged. How good are you going to feel once you have true and lasting FREEDOM? Who will you be able to help once you’ve left your own rut? Think about what your career look like once you’ve mastered these time-tested skills to get everything you want out of life and even more?

So, the one question remaining is…

How much longer does your life have to not be what you want before you’ll finally do something about it?

First Steps to Success

San Antonio, TX – August 19th – 21st, 2017


Grand Hyatt San Antonio
600 East Market St.
San Antonio, TX 78205


Saturday: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Saturday: 7:00pm to 10:00pm (FREE Spiritual Equipping LIVE Event)
Sunday: 9:30am to 7:30pm
Monday: 9:30am to 5:00pm (Entrepreneur Workshop)


For Reservations CLICK HERE or call (888) 421-1442 or (210) 224-1234. Room rate is $142 per night single/double – Reference or First Steps to Success when registering to receive the discounted rate. Cut-off date is August 7th.

Event Flyers

Registration Form: Click to Download
Promo Flyer: Click to Download


San Antonio International Airport – SAT (8 Miles)


Uber/Lyft – $5-$19 approximately

Super Shuttle – $17 one-way

Taxi – $25-$30 approximately


Ethics Agreement will be strictly enforced. No children allowed in the seminar. There are two agreements you will be required to sign to attend this event. You will not be allowed into this event without signing both agreements at registration time! You may review these documents ahead of time by clicking on the following links: Release & AcknowledgementEthics Agreement.

Select Your Level of Commitment:

First Steps to Success
+ Entrepreneur
+ Fast Track

  • 2-Day First Steps To Success Ticket (Saturday & Sunday)
First Steps to Success
+ Entrepreneur

+ Fast Track

  • 2-Day First Steps To Success Ticket (Saturday & Sunday)
  • Entrepreneur Workshop Ticket (Monday)
First Steps to Success
+ Entrepreneur
+ Fast Track

Three Day Ticket + Priority Seating
  • 2-Day First Steps To Success Ticket (Saturday & Sunday)
  • Entrepreneur Workshop Ticket (Monday)
  • Fast Track – Front Section Seating – All 3 Days
VisaMastercardAmerican ExpressDiscover

Your Order is 100% Safe, Secure, Risk–Free and Fully Guaranteed!

Problem ordering? Call us toll free at 1-866-760-8255 or visit our SUPPORT CENTER. If you are calling from outside of the United States and having trouble reaching us on our toll free line, you can call for immediate assistance from one of our client service representatives at our international number: 1-408-414-0325

Attend Risk-Free

If for any reason you attend this event and don’t feel it’s worth 10x your registration fee, just let us know Sunday night and we’ll give you a 100% refund!

Instructions for discounts and family tickets:

Tickets for First Steps To Success for a spouse or child are available at a discounted rate over the phone. To purchase, please call 866-760-8255.

WALK-UPS: If you choose to wait until the day of the event you will have to pay “walk-up” pricing and we cannot guarantee you a seat in the main ballroom.

FAST TRACK: The doors open early for FAST TRACK ticket holders, allowing you to bypass the crowd and get first choice on your seats. IMPORTANT: Be sure to arrive before the General Session doors are opened to take advantage of your FAST TRACK ticket!