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What Would YOU Do To Reach Your Goals?

"I’ve heard so many stories of people going to extraordinary lengths to overcome excuses & circumstances ....with the biggest obstacle being themselves! So, today I'm asking: 'Do YOU stand in your own way?!'"

Let me take a brief moment to just say “THANK YOU!” Seriously, if you’re reading this, you are a part of a community where I find motivation every single day. Hearing your stories never ceases to inspire ME!

Not just your stories of success, but also the amazing obstacles some have hurdled… just to make it to our live events. Thank God you do not let your circumstances or own excuses rule your life!

If you struggle to overcome your circumstances right now, let me share a few stories that have inspired me. Trust me, I’ve been there, too! So, here are a few of my favorite stories about others have overcome big, huge, enormous problems – and reaped abundant rewards, as a result!

If you want something in life, you must find someone who has what you want, and do what they do. Similarly, if you have an obstacle, find someone who experienced the same issue and found a way around it. Then YOU can do what they did! It really is that simple.

One couple in our community, Amber and William Morris, had to overcome huge obstacles to first attend a First Steps To Success event. On the way to the airport, their flight was canceled and the next one wouldn’t arrive until after the first day of the event was already over! Most people would have used that as an excuse to just skip it. But, they weren’t going to let anything stop them! They decided to drive 14 hours from Houston to St. Louis and arrived at 5 o’clock Saturday morning – just a few hours before the scheduled event start time.

Amber said, “Don’t make excuses, decide to make it happen and do it! You won’t regret it! We would do it all over, again!” Within a year of that event, they paid-off $40K in debt and Amber increased her sales by 42%! William was promoted and received a 16% raise at work.

But think about what WOULD have happened, if William and Amber had used a canceled flight as an excuse to skip First Steps To Success!

Another member of our community, Alethea Robertson, explained how her family sold their truck, took a loan from their 401K and sold items in their house, to find the needed money for their first First Steps To Success event. Was it worth it? Well… in three weeks they made over $10K in their business. Two weeks later, they doubled it and are now paying off their debt – faster than ever.

Another one of my favorite stories comes from Julie Berry, who was scared to ask her husband for the money to attend. But to her surprise, he said “Yes!”… saying something just told him to do it. After that, Julie talked to more than 60 people, just to get her work shifts covered. But the worst obstacle of all was the passing of a friend, who inspired her to go in the first place, just weeks before the event.

Through it all, Julie overcame tragedy, fear and excuses to make it there! Since then, she and her husband are more in-love than ever, they’ve paid off $35K+ in debt and found an entirely new set of priorities!

I’ve heard so many stories of those who have gone to extraordinary lengths to overcome their excuses and circumstances. And most of the time, the biggest obstacle is themselves!

So, my question for you today is this: Are you standing in your own way? What do you need to do today, to get OUT of your own way?

I’d love to know your thoughts about The Daily Fix today. What are you struggling to overcome? Do you have a personal story of triumph? Please share it in the comments below!

And don’t forget to join us today for The Dani Johnson Show, to gain more insights for your everyday life. You can find the show on your TV and radio or stream today’s show, right here on our website.

Looking to connect even MORE? Then please subscribe to our YouTube channel to keep up with new messages just for you, posted daily!

In great faith,

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