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Why You’ll Never “Make It” If You “Fake It”

Do you have a vision for your money? A plan on how to spend it, invest it, save it? The reality is, spending works two ways: either you have a vision and every dollar spent has a purpose, or it doesn’t and you are throwing your money at someone else’s vision.

Do you have a vision for your money? A plan on how to spend it, invest it, save it? The reality is, spending works two ways: either you have a vision and every dollar spent has a purpose, or it doesn’t and you are throwing your money at someone else’s vision. And usually their vision is to take all of your hard earned-dollars at every possible opportunity.

Whether it’s the media, your friends or a magazine, you are always being told what to buy, what’s popular, what’s trendy and what your vision for money should be. And too often, people fall for it! Unfortunately, a lot of people with the newest iPhones, luxury cars, designer handbags and brand name shoes are usually broke as a joke. They’re “faking it” until they “make it”… which they rarely do. And then they can’t figure out why not!

Today, let me tell you exactly why you will never “make it” if you’re “faking it.” I want to share with you a few parts of a conversation I had recently on our show, with a man named Mikey Almeyda.

Mikey makes a great income but he was addicted to money, addicted to the feeling of “success” and addicted to power. By the time he was 29 he was over $500K in debt. For most of you, you can’t even fathom how someone can rack up that much debt. “I was purely motivated by greed, so I needed to show my success. I bought houses and expensive cars and looked good, when really I was drowning in debt. It was painful. You show a smile on the outside but you’re hurting, you’re burning, on the inside.”

Is that success? This guy was miserable and on a path of total destruction. Luckily, Mikey finally came to the realization it just wasn’t worth it. Living this lifestyle, feeding his addictions, was not worth the horrible burning inside of him when he got home at night.

A friend in the same field as Mikey recommended our trainings and he attended his first event. Now after 20 months, he has paid off $214K of his debt, has over $360K of income-producing investments and has money in his savings account. He plans to be debt-free by the end of the year!

That’s crazy, just two years ago he was half a million dollars in the hole and now he is looking at being totally debt-free. So what changed?

  1. He realized he was driven by greed and controlled by his addictions. “God created me for a reason and it wasn’t to impress other people.”
  2. He made a plan for his money. Mikey immediately used his new training to start paying off his debt instead of going further and further into it.

Have you been “faking it” to appear like you’ve “made it”? If you’re living your life right now to impress other people, you are setting yourself up for failure. If you’re spending more than you make every month you will never “make it” financially. It might be time to sit down and make a real plan for your hard-earned money and I hope this helped you to realize that.

Debt doesn’t have to be a part of life… that’s a choice! Choose not to feed your greed. Instead, start working toward a less stressful, more financially sound life. Are you ready? Let me know in your comments below and remember to Like and Share within your circle of influence.

If you’re looking for more financial wisdom, tips and strategies try our live event, First Steps To Success, and join us for The Dani Johnson Show, where you can gain more inspiration to improve your life. You can find the show on your TV and radio and please remember you can always stream today’s show right here on our website.

In great faith,

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