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Are You A “Money Magnet” Or A Customer Repellent?!

You’ve been into a dollar store, right? The rude, sloppy employee certainly does NOT make you feel, does that MAKE the company more money or LOSE customers? And, is that YOU?!

When I first started in business, a successful entrepreneur told me, “Learn more about people than you do about your product or service and you will be unusually successful.” Those words have stuck with me for 25 years.

Over the years, I’ve studied people everywhere I go – in airports, ships, hotels, grocery stores, offices, other people’s homes. Through this extensive study, I learned how different people think, what motivates them, how they interact with others, what their dreams and desires are.

I’ve also seen what makes people want to hire someone, fire them or promote them. I want to show you just one example of that today, because this really can impact every area of your professional – and personal – life.

You’ve been into a dollar store, right? What does a dollar store employee look like? Sloppy, chomping on gum, looking like they just rolled out of bed? Probably this employee is on the phone and clearly not interested in you, the customer. They have a bad attitude, little or no communication skills and actually treat the customers like an inconvenience. When you go to check out, you don’t get a smile, no eye contact and they move sooooo slowly.

How does that experience make you feel? You want to get out of that store as fast as you can, right? That rude, sloppy employee annoys you and certainly does not make you feel welcome. In fact, you probably avoid going back to that store altogether.

Tell me – what does that do for business? Does that help the company make more money, or does that behavior lose money for the store? Does it gain more customers or lose customers?

So my question for you today is, what is YOUR work ethic? Are you that “dollar-store employee” in your office? Are you professional? Do you look professional? Are you well-dressed? Do you get frustrated when someone asks you a question? Do you smile? Are you happy to see your clients and coworkers? Do you constantly look (or act) like you’re having a bad day?

It’s critical you answer these questions honestly today. Because your position, in your company, exists to make the company more money… either directly or indirectly. If your attitude or conduct drives customers away, the company will lose money. If the company loses money, you WILL be replaced by someone who works with excellence and diligence and brings in more customers to make the company more money. That is the employee who gets promotions and raises and bonuses.

That employee goes out of their way to make customers happy. They smile and make eye contact. They remember the customer’s name, speak clearly and with respect. They are clean, well-dressed and professional. That employee makes customers look forward to coming back again and again.

Today, focus on becoming the employee who gets promoted… instead of demoted or fired. You will be shocked by how quickly you can move up in your company, if you just make a few simple changes.

Take the initiative to pass this along to your entire company today. Even if you have a wonderful, professional team, there is always room for improvement! Print this and pass it around the office or post this link on your social media sites. And please tell me about your experiences with THAT employee in the comments below!

Then, join me today for The Dani Johnson Show, when we discuss more tips and strategies to help you excel in everything you do! You can tune in on your TV and radio or you can always stream today’s show right here on our website. And don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel to keep up with new messages being posted daily!

In great faith,

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