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There’s No “Right Time”…Only An Eye For Opportunity!

MOST people will use this holiday season as an excuse to slack-off or neglect their own business, but SO much opportunity sits right in front of you at this time of year...just open your eyes & take advantage of it!

Are you an entrepreneur? Or maybe you dream of starting a business, but just haven’t found the right time to take the leap.

You’d be surprised how often I hear of people with an idea to start a business and the passion to accomplish it, but they let the busy-ness of life stop them! You may work full time, take care of a family and home, and just aren’t quite sure how to fit in those extra hours to build your own business.

And, as if that weren’t enough, most people will use this holiday season as an excuse to slack-off or neglect their own business. With all the parties, vacation time, cooking and distractions, it may seem impossible to focus on your goals.

But let me tell you, this is the BEST time of the year to begin – or invest in – your business. Even in hard economic times, people are more willing to spend their money during the holiday season. You know that’s true! Be one of the 2% who sees – and takes advantage of – this opportunity!

When I started my business, out of the trunk of my car, it was the day after Christmas! And while some people might have “waited until after the holidays,” the timing couldn’t have been better for me! Why? Because I saw the opportunity! If I had made an excuse to hold-off until after the New Year, I would’ve been competing with every other weight loss company out there, just hopping on the New Year’s resolution bandwagon.

So this holiday season, let’s prepare you for total success to finish out the year. You can actually use these last couple of weeks in 2016 to position yourself to generate high income, eliminate more debt and pursue your dreams.

One huge mistake people make, when attempting to build their businesses during the holidays, is going to every party or family gathering with the goal to “sell” their friends and family. They shove their product or service in people’s faces, and it’s clear to everyone, they’re only after their money. DON’T DO THAT!!!

Instead, use this time to actually get to know people! Yes, even your family. (You’ll be surprised at how much you don’t know about those closest to you!) Go to those parties focused on discovering other people’s strengths, interests, goals and needs.

I know you’re saying, “Uh… Dani, how in the heck is THAT going to build my business?!” HELLO! When you know people’s needs, YOU can meet them! When you know what people truly need and want, you can give it to them! (Again, NOT right then! You’re learning about the people around you – then you have something to follow-up with them about after the party!)

So, you can kill two birds with a single stone – accomplishing your business goals AND helping your friends and family to achieve their personal goals! Talk about a win-win situation!

So much opportunity sits right in front of you at this time of year! You just need to open your eyes and take advantage of it!

I’d love to hear your strategy for building your business over the last couple of weeks of this year! Leave your comments below – I can’t wait to read them!

And don’t forget to join us today for The Dani Johnson Show, to gain more insights for your everyday life. You can find the show on your TV and radio or stream today’s show, right here on our website.

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In great faith,

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